Eastern Bullet Legacy

In 1973, Sam Lucas opened Eastern Bullet Reloading Company, Inc. His goal was to create a locally-manufactured, high-quality reload. As the company grew, Eastern Bullet chose to add new ammunition to their product line. In the coming years, due to high demand and manufacturing limitations, Sam chose to discontinue manufacturing his reloaded ammunition while still maintaining his partnerships with all major manufacturers. At Eastern Bullet, we are proud to continue Sam’s legacy of providing the same high level of service that our customers have grown to expect. Eastern Bullet will hold true to Sam’s belief that a customer should be able to purchase quality ammunition at a reasonable price.

Our History

In 2015 I joined Eastern Bullet with one goal in mind: honor my grandfather’s legacy by continuing to provide a high level of service to customers.

With my background in logistics and a great passion for the family business, there will be several new divisions added to the company. In addition to ammunition, you can now rely on our team for all of your shooting and facility needs. Eastern Bullet will offer the same high level of service that our customers have grown to expect. Our mission is to help customers consolidate vendors and provide a partnership that holds true long-term value.

We help customers consolidate vendors and provide a partnership that holds true long-term value.

Contact us today to learn how partnering with Eastern Bullet will drastically affect your bottom line